Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Asheville City Council Candidate Lindsey Simerly

City council elections will be happening in Asheville this fall. Right now there are 15 candidates in the field. On October 6th there will be a primary to narrow the field to 6 candidates vying for 3 seats. The general election will take place on November 3rd to elect these new city council representatives. 

Asheville SHAC posed the following question to all 15 candidates: 

"What's your position on increasing density / affordable housing in Asheville via micro housing?" 

In the time leading up to the election we will share the candidates' answers in the order in which they respond. If you're a resident of the city of Asheville we encourage you to vote in October and November.

*SHAC as an organization does not endorse any specific candidate, though our individual members may. The candidates' answers will be provided for informational purposes only.

Here is the answer from city council candidate Lindsey Simerly

I lived in a tiny home -- about 500 square feet. I'm a big fan. I support increasing housing density because it is a proven strategy for encouraging the creation of affordable housing while simultaneously minimizing our environmental footprint. As Chair of the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee I have supported the tiny home movement by recommending specific modifications to Asheville's Accessory Dwelling Units ordinance. We began recommending these policy changes in 2012 and I am very happy that they passed City Council this summer. These changes will allow for more property owners to add an income-generating accessory unit, such as a tiny house, which advances the city's strategic goals for density and affordability.
You can find out more about Simerly's campaign at her website

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