Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Huge News on the Tiny House Front in Asheville

In February, the Asheville City Council agreed to move forward with proposals that create more favorable conditions for tiny homes in the city limits. These concepts are still in proposal stages, but the council and community will be considering them as options over the next year.

 From the Asheville Citizen Times:
There could be more suggestions coming, Satvika said, but this year it was likely there would be time to get only four through the approval process that will start with a review from the Planning and Zoning Commission and eventually come back to the council for approval.
The seven ideas are:
  • Cottage Developments: Rules allow clusters of five to 12 homes often around a common space. The homes don't have to follow density limits in three zoning districts. Six such developments have been permitted since 2007. Look at changes such as reducing a 1,000-foot separation space between cottage developments.
  • Multifamily Review: Look at allowing more duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes or mid-sized apartments in areas permitted for multifamily construction. 
  • Lot Standards: Steep slopes and flood areas reduce buildable land in Asheville. Rules now prescribe one-size-fits-all lot standards. Consider more flexibility.
  • Tiny House Zoning: A tiny home must now have at least a 5,000-square-foot lot, just like a larger home. Consider allowing smaller lots. 
  • Higher Density Residential Buffer Zone: The highest residential density district allows 12 to 17 units per acre. Look at allowing more density in a residential overlay zone.
  • Conservation Development: Steep slopes and river buffers reduce buildable land in Asheville. Consider allowing developers to put homes closer together if they preserve trees, sensitive land and open space.
  • Sustainable Development: Ordinance No. 3980 provides density bonuses for projects with sustainable development practices, but the bonuses have not been used. Determine why and make revisions.
 Read the entire article here. 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

A Tiny House Party and Fundraiser for Gordon Smith

Wishbone Tiny Homes and Asheville Small Home Advocacy Committee Present:


A Tiny House Party and Fundraiser
for Gordon Smith

Candidate for Buncombe County Commissioner

Libations and Light Snacks Provided
Support the Gordon Smith Campaign and Tour a Tiny Home
Exclusive tiny home event before the official campaign kick off!
"Tiny homes represent an innovative, popular approach to sustainable living. Smaller physical and carbon footprints, opportunities for community living, and a more affordable housing style ought to be embraced by our local government. Tiny homes have an important place in Buncombe County's future. Sustainability's triple bottom line is beautifully reflected in each tiny home, and I look forward to integrating tiny homes into the fabric of Buncombe County." – Gordon Smith
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